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The Superhero Of Spices: How Cardamom Oil Helps The Body

Essential oils are becoming more and more popular with their myriad of uses. Many well-known ones, such as Lavender oil and Peppermint oil, have become house-hold names, but have you ever heard of Cardamom oil?
This little powerhouse has many benefits and helps in a variety of ways. If you’re wondering about Cardamom oil uses, keep reading to learn more!

What Is Cardamom?

Cardamom is a slightly sweet flavored spice, known for its cool minty aroma and flavor, originating in Southeast Asia.  It’s used in both savory and sweet dishes and has been incorporated in traditional medicine for centuries, in India and beyond.
The health benefits of Cardamom oil have long been backed by science.
Let’s take a look at a few:

1. It Soothes Skin

Using Cardamom oil topically may help soothe skin, leaving it with a refreshing, cooling sensation. It is always best to dilute the oil with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil, but several drops applied to skin topically may work wonderfully to calm the area.
If you’re unsure of how to use essential oils topically, consider taking a virtual class to learn more! You’ll learn how to safely use essential oils while maximizing their benefits.

2. It Promotes Clear Airways

Cardamom oil is largely composed of substances called monoterpenoid esters, or powerful phytochemicals that have calming and soothing properties. Besides being able to externally calm, it can also help with the internal soothing of airways.
Cardamom oil promotes clear breathing and respiratory health and is often used as the main ingredient in respiratory-aid oil blends*. Try diffusing a few drops when you’re feeling stuffy and congested.

3. It Helps With Digestion

Cardamom oil is commonly used internally to help soothe occasional digestive system discomfort*.  Dilute one drop in 4 fl. oz. of liquid before or after a meal to keep your tummy happy when indulging in a big meal.

4. It Can Calm Your Nervous System

Not only does Cardamom oil have calming properties on your skin and organs, but it can also promote an overall feeling of mental wellness and clarity. When used in a diffuser, Cardamom’s pleasant, spicy aroma can help promote a positive mood. With your house smelling wonderful, you will surely also feel at peace in your space.

Cardamom Oil - A Superhero of the Spice World!

When it comes to promoting calm on every level of the body, Cardamom oil is an absolute powerhouse in the spice world. You’ll love its savory-sweet aroma, and your body and mind will equally love its soothing effect.

If you’re looking for further benefits from essential oils and are unsure of where to start, please continue your journey at My Pure Essential Oils home page!
We’ll make sure you get started right in the magical world of essential oils and have all the information you need to get the best oil protocol for you!